Microservices and Spring Boot:
- RESTful Microservices,
- Eureka Discovery Service,
- Zuul API Gateway,
- Load Balancer
- Spring Cloud Config Server
You will learn to use:
- Spring Cloud Bus and Rabbit MQ,
- Spring Boot Actuator
You will also learn how to implement for your REST API features like User Authentication(Login) and, User Authorization.
Additional features:
- Spring Security and JWT
- Spring Data JPA to store user details in a database,
- H2 in-memory database and a database console,
- MySQL database server
- Postman HTTP Client/Soap UI
- Spring Initializer
- Spring Tool Suite
This course also covers how to:
- Make fallback using Hystrix
- Trace HTTP Requests with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin(Distributed tracing)
- Aggregate log files in one place(Centralized logging) with ELK stack(Logstash, Elasticsearch, Kibana).